Monday, April 9, 2012

Challenge #7--Blog Name

Why did I pick this name?  It's very simple, really . . .

It's simple because overall, our family plays Republic characters, many of us Jedi, where staying on the Light side is generally better.

In addition, if you could say we have a goal in real life, it is to choose the Light, so to speak, or "Choose the Right," as our church frequently says.  (There is even a whole industry around "CTR" jewelry, from the classic rings to the more varied.)  This is similar to the more widely-popular "What Would Jesus Do" (WWJD), which we like, as well, but don't tend to wear as frequently.

So "Light Rank V" is a reminder to always "Choose the Light," as I spoke of in my first post, and the subtitle "What Would Jedi Do" is a play off WWJD, Star Wars style.

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