Saturday, April 21, 2012

Challenge #14--Things which upset me.

Children who do not get up in the morning when I call.

Seriously, not a whole lot really upsets me in game.  Obviously, like most people, there are personality traits which annoy me, such as condescension, disloyalty, etc., but it's reasonably simple, when your primary communication is a chat window, to keep such things to oneself or at least keep them in controlled quarters.  Just don't type.

Now, in real life, I can't say I'm terribly angelic about this, as it is more difficult to not become upset when face to face . . . The thing is that I know nothing can upset me if I do not choose to let it do so.  Therefore, when I become upset, it is because I have allowed myself to become upset.  When I remember that, it empowers me to choose not to become upset or at least not to act upset, which is very liberating.  (I'm a reasonably decent actress . . . remember that role-playing job I once had . . .)

In game, I think what annoys me (rather than upsets me) the most is if I have been fighting critters around a gathering node, specifically for the purpose of gathering it, only to see some other player come swooping in while I'm busy and snatch the node out from under me.  That's kind of rude.  Because I know how much it does annoy me, I make it a point, if someone is fighting near a node, to wait until they are finished and have moved on before approaching any such node.  After all, that's how I would want to be treated.

I still permit myself sometimes to become upset when children are disobedient, but I'm working on getting better at that.

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