Thursday, April 5, 2012

Challenge #5--Favorite In-game Items

Um . . . . . I don't think I've become attached to most things enough to call them my favorite items . . .

Actually, that's not quite right.  Since I've been able to run a couple of operations, I've managed to pick up the appropriate crafting materials to make my Rakata medpac, stim, and one adrenal.  I have plans to make another Rakata adrenal, for situational use.

I love knowing I simply don't have to go pick up stims and adrenals for operations!  I spent so much time in WoW just gathering my herbs, mixing my flasks, fishing my fish, and cooking fish feasts, it was like having a part-time job to support my raiding habit.  (Between the actual raiding hours and the preparation hours, it actually took about as much time as a part-time job . . .)  With Rakata supplies, I am always prepared, without having to put in all that extra time.

I can even pop a stim while running warzones without worrying about the cost . . . What isn't cool about that?!

Sure, I still have to supply my husband's Trooper with stims and medpacs, but with only one of us to supply, and with the blue stim recipe available in my list (persists through death), the load isn't terribly heavy.

Everlasting stims and adrenals . . . definitely a great perk for Biochem.

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