This is a tough topic, because almost all the blogs I have read have had exceptionally interesting material at one time or another, so it's difficult to select one. But I'll make a stab at it.
One blogger which comes to mind is Njessi, of Hawtpants of the Old Republic. She always seems to have an insight or two which make me chuckle. I totally laughed out loud at her blog entry about BSOCKs, which I thought was an hilarious term. (My Jedi Consular, of course, being a real "toe-the-line" kind of person, has never encountered BSOCKs, btw.) I appreciate her frankness in her evaluations of the various gaming experiences she encounters. And when I was trying to figure out what other blogs about healers were out there, I stumbled on her extensive blog list, which was very, very helpful.
A player I admire is someone in my Republic guild on Vrook Lamar server who goes by the name Mercutio. I don't think I've seen a more enthusiastic SWTOR player, ever! Between being aware of every new development coming down the pike, pushing research efforts, raising alts, and writing a very long and detailed character biography which threatens to become a novel, Mercutio shows a willingness to dive into the game and enjoy every bit of it. It is refreshing to see someone with so much drive and excitement.
Generally speaking, the people whom I admire the most are those who tend to have qualities I do not, and this is no different. Keep up the good work!
Awww /blush.