Thursday, March 8, 2012


A lot has been said about Jedi Consular hats already.  It never really bothered me, because if I didn't like the hat, I could always hide it if I wanted.

It never bothered me, that is, until I picked up a hat from a quest which wasn't an upgrade for me, but was good for Nadia.

Poor girl!  Such a pretty face, hidden behind a faceless mask looking like a sacred Egyptian cow or something.  It reminded me eerily of a classic "Star Trek" episode--the one with a teenager with special powers named Charlie--wherein was a scene when Charlie, in a fit of rage, made a female crew member's face disappear.  (Not sure how she kept breathing.)

The memory of that episode creeped me out, so I decided no matter the cost, the hat had to be replaced.  I looked in my bank vault and pulled out the hat I wore previous to the circlet I now use.  I hadn't really liked this hat, but it was better than the awful thing poor Nadia had on her face, so I tracked down some mods and fixed it up for her.

Much better!!  Now we can see her pretty eyes.  (It is fortunate that all the Jedi Consular gear seems to be on a similar color scheme.  I was never a "Barbie-crafter" in WoW, but I kind of like having coordinating outfits in SWTOR.)

I know of no option to hide hats on companions, or I would have done so.  If the developers have implemented such a change which I haven't noticed, please let me know . . . Poor Lt. Iresso has his face hidden behind a helmet, and Zenith's hat simply doesn't fit right--looks like a nurse's cap and face mask.  At least I never have to worry about Qyzen.


  1. There's a nice social gear circlet you can get on Alderaan for her. -Teao

    1. Ooooh, what social rank? I'll have to go check it out. Thanks!
