Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Prodigy

Yesterday when my husband returned home from work, he heard a call from behind my computer.

"Dad!  I need help with this boss!"

It was our 8-yr-old, who had stayed home from school that day with a nasty cold, along with her teenage sister.  My headphones looked like big Princess Leia buns on the sides of her head, while her eyes peered up through her glasses around the monitor.  Her Jedi Knight was somewhere in level 12.

"Ok, honey, let me get my smuggler."

As he headed out with her, he found to his surprise that the boss she was trying to tackle was an elite target in her class quest . . . a level 16 elite located at the Jedi Temple ruins on Coruscant.

What??  (No wonder she couldn't take it down herself . . .)

He came to discover that this little twerp really had somehow managed to run her class quests all the way to this point, without help from anyone in the family.  (The sick teenager plays Sith.)  What's more, he realized there was no way his smuggler of a similar level was going to be able to help her.

There was only one thing to do, given all the work she had done:  bring his level 16 Jedi Consular Shadow and help her finish her quest.

The sum total of this adventure is that our 8-yr-old's Jedi Knight now has her ship plus her first two companions . . . at level 12.

I don't suppose this should surprise me, given that this kid at age 7 was trouncing opponents in World of Warcraft's Goldshire on her rogue . . .

I'm sure there are those who would say we should have made her wait until she was closer to level 16 instead of helping her with that last boss.  But after all the independent thought and effort she had put in to reach that point in her quest chain, it seemed right to reward her initiative and raw nerve.  (Nobody needs to teach her to "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome"!)

Maybe I'll let her display the Legacy name, after all.


  1. Hiya Ana! This is Vitriola.

    I recently had an urge to try making a light sider. (Jedi have to put up with a LOT of nonsense that the sith do not.) I was about level 8 on a knight when I noticed a level 1 following me around. I wondered why there was a level 1 all the way out where I was but what can you say?

    I got invited to group and accepted and tried talking but never got a response. After a while, I thought that I was being trolled and dropped group and wished that other player well and went off to do more.

    Well, I was still being followed and got another invite which I again accepted. Again, no conversation and after several minutes of trying, I again dropped group.

    Still, I was being followed.

    On the third invite, I declined and kept going along. I ran through a populated are which did not aggro on me but DID aggro on my level 1 "friend" and I turned to fight it out with them. I did win but the level 1 died in the process. Not a huge problem at that level but at least I no longer had a shadow.

    About 10 minutes later I got a tell from that toon. The player was the aunt of an 8 year old that wanted to see what it was like to play the game. She thanked me profusely for being kind to her little niece and said that she was very happy while she was with me.

    That made me extra glad that I was at least nice to her. I still feel good about that but it would have been a bit nicer if she had not died but there it is.

    p.s. I got rid of that awful jedi and made another sith. I am feeling MUCH better now! :)

    1. Hi, Vit! You just never know . . . I remember having to tell my youngest when she was 5 not to follow other people around in WoW because it made them nervous. (I used to name her characters things like Fiveyrold, before she could read, just so people would know with whom they were dealing.)

      Glad you are feeling better with your gameplay! (Even if it is on the dark side . . .)
