When I finished Chapter one as a Jedi Consular and had the Legacy name creation window popped up, I stared at it with a blank expression. Unlike most people I knew, including my husband, I had no idea what to do for my Legacy name.
Feeling rather foolish, I somewhat timidly typed in guild chat, "If I do not pick a Legacy name now, can I come back and do it later?"
Nobody was really sure, but it made sense. After a little research on-line, I discovered that, yes, I could come back and pick it later. The Legacy name creation window would pop up again, awaiting my input, when I opened my Skills window. I sighed in relief and closed the window.
You see, <looks furtively both ways> I had not really been looking forward to having a Legacy name. It wasn't a point of pride for me. And, knowing how much I hated Legacy names while healing Huttball, I did not plan to display it as a surname, anyway.
Legacy names are a pain for a healer in warzones. Picture this . . . You're in Huttball, staring at a large cluster of players--some teammates, some opposing--and your team has the ball. (You can tell by the pillar of yellow or purple light reaching above and below the players.) "Aha!" you say, "With all those enemies around him, he certainly needs a quick heal!"
There is no way you can target the ball carrier by simply clicking in that mess, and you cannot tell who is carrying the ball by looking at your raid frames (If there is an icon in the raid frames indicating the ball carrier I haven't noticed yet, it is so small you would need a magnifying glass, anyway), so you frantically search for his name, only to be stymied by the plethera of information floating and being jumbled together over his head in a chaotic mess.
Above each character in that group floats a title, a name, and a surname. The title may be at the beginning of the name or at the end and may be one word or many. While you can easily distinguish friend from foe, thanks to the differing colors, there is no way to immediately be able to separate out the player name by simply finding a certain position on the green line above his head.
Finally seeing a name appear out of the jumble, you look down at your raid frames for quick targeting. He's not there. You look again, search one more time and exclaim in frustration, "There's nobody on my list by that name? What's going on?" Then you realize you were reading the person's Legacy name . . . (By this time, said person with Legacy name and perhaps a three-word title to boot has died because you couldn't find him on your raid frames to toss him a bubble or heal.)
So, knowing how much these names frustrate me in warzones, and having resolved not to display a Legacy name as a surname, I had not given the matter much thought until I was faced with the choice.
"Even if I never display this," I thought, "a name is still a part of my identity, and it should mean something to me."
I thought about it all the rest of the evening and most of the next day at work, but my mind remained a complete blank on the subject. My husband had offered a couple of suggestions: "House of Five Princesses" (Huh? Can you use multiple words? Too long, anyway.) and my maiden name.
Finally, I threw my hands in the air and took the latter suggestion, as it is a meaningful legacy I carry in real life. (My ancestors were influential pioneers in their region in American history and passed down a proud heritage to their descendants.) Besides, it's spelled oddly enough, it looks like it may have actually come from a fantasy world.
My Consular does display the Legacy, but as a title beneath her name, not as a surname. This way, there will be less confusion for healers in warzones if they try to target me in a crowd.
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