Thursday, January 10, 2013

Quick WoW Break

Not too terribly long ago, Blizzard sent me an invitation to come check out the Panderia expansion for 10 days for free.

Now, checking out the pandas, themselves, is not something I need to do because, well, I have already done it.  I made a free-to-play-to-level-20 account and created a Pandaran Priest, just to see the starting lands.  It didn't take 20 levels before the character was merged completely with the Alliance or the Horde (did both, so I could see what happened) and therefore ripe for deletion.

So if the only attraction was the pandas, there really wasn't any attraction.

But with all the people who come to my retired WoW blog for information on the Vuhdo addon (yes, I keep up with the statistics on it), I really felt tempted to accept the invitation, install the latest Vuhdo version, log in, see what major changes happened, and see if I needed to update anything on my little guide.

After a lot of thought, I decided to do it.  So this week, I woke up my Restoration Druid Anachan for the first time in over 14 months, ready to see what happened to Vuhdo in my absence.

Happily enough, it seems Vuhdo hasn't changed beyond all recognition.  I think my updates will be fairly minor and simple.  My keybinds, which amazingly enough, I mostly remembered, worked immediately, and the configuration interface, except for a few pages, has retained most of the same characteristics.

The most . . . interesting . . . part of stepping back into WoW is learning again to initiate auto-attack . . . Go figure.  It's like a foreign concept . . .

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